Friday, January 8, 2016

A Great Idea to help my Wintertime Blues!

I just received this message from one of Tatum's Conductors at the March of Dimes... great idea Mhairi!  Thank you!

"Hi kim

i was reading your blog about skating with Tatum and wanted to share an idea we use at our local rink. There are several families in the area with kids in adapted strollers who were having this issue. So they took a family photo of themselves on the ice and asked to put it up in the staff room of the rink, under it they introduced themselves and explained that their child uses an adapted stroller and that is they see them on the ice its "ok" :)

Because the staff see the picture every day they now know the family by name, greet them and 9/10 times will feel comfortable coming over to ask if they need any help getting the kids organised and on the ice.

Our family also used to use this tactic many years ago for my foster sister. We would leave family photos, names and pertinent information at places we would go to regularly so that people who were too shy to ask (or ignorant to her differences) had the necessary information. This worked great at restaurants as we could tell new wait staff "tell the kitchen Josie will have her usual" and the kitchen staff knew how her food needed to be prepared without us having to explain it (as they had a photo and note in the kitchen about her food)

Mhairi (Vari) Watson
Senior Conductor, Conductive Education programs
March of Dimes Canada"

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