Sunday, June 30, 2013

Summertime Update!

Blog posts are getting further and further apart... we must be busy!
April and May were tough months to stay motivated and I wasn't really feeling up to writing about our lack of progress.  The broken leg really slowed us down and got us out of our routine.  Getting back into the 'Institutes' routine was very challenging, I forgot how nice it can be just to go out and stroll!  We are still trying to get back to the intensity we were at before Tatum's accident, but we are taking more breaks for the sake of everyone's sanity!   Once the cast came off at the end of April, it became apparent that Tatum had regresses in the mobility department.   Tatum didn't want to move down her ramp at all.   She didn't really want to use her legs at all.   Before the broken leg, she was bearing weight  and standing well with just a bit of support.     When lying on her back, she was able to keep her knees upright and lift her butt.   All of this strength and coordination seemed to be gone... good news is that it is coming back!  May was tough  for Tatum health wise as well.  We missed 10 full days of programming because she was sick with colds and an awful flu virus.  
As she does after every period of illness, Tatum has rebounded with gusto!  She has gained back the weight she lost in April and May (from being in the cast and being sick) and then some.   She has 3 new teeth and the hair on her head is growing like crazy...  she just had her 3rd haircut.
As I look back on my notes for May, although Tatum didn't want to get moving on her ramp, she was up to a bunch of other great things.
Since the beginning of May, Tatum has been sitting really well on her own without any support.   She still falls backwards on occasion and does not put her arms back to stop herself but it is less and less and she is able to adjust and correct her posture when she is losing her balance.
Tatum's fine motor skills have made a lot of progress over the past two months.   She has gone from having no interest in toys or grabbing things to picking up toys, spoons,  and shakers  and shaking them, banging them, throwing them, moving them from hand to hand, reaching and picking things up that are out of her sight and she is occasionally putting things in her mouth.   She is getting very good at reaching her arms out big and wide and pulling us in for big kisses and hugs.    Tatum is clapping her hands when she is sitting, lying down and on her tummy.
She is rolling from her back to her front and back again with ease.
Tatum is also now able to sit up in a swing at the playground and she loves to swing!
Since the beginning of June, we have seen huge progress in Tatum's verbal skills.   She is so loud!   Her volume increases every day.    I have to stop myself from wishing for quiet!  As she experiments with her voice she is telling crazy stories that go on for minutes with lots of inflection and sounds like tha, za, da, la, ba, ah.   She's pretty entertaining - her sisters love the new loud Tatum!   I think she is often yelling me... maybe for feeding her so much spinach and kale!  She loves calling for Daddy and I'm pretty sure our nanny, Len, is her favorite confident!   She is making clicking sounds with her tongue, kissing sounds, zerberts and is also mimicking us when we make her favourite sounds.
The most amazing progress has happened in the past two weeks with Tatum's mobility.    She is moving down her ramp using both of her legs and big wide arms almost all of the time now.   Today, we watched Tatum move herself down her ramp (several times) in what we know as a perfect cross pattern!   If you can imagine a baby crawling, they move their arms and legs in a specific pattern... right arm reaches out, left knee comes in,, etc.   This is what we have been patterning for Tatum since last September!   She is so close to crawling herself off her ramp... we can't wait to get her moving on the flat floor all the time, and to get rid of these massive ramps!!!
So what is the biggest change in our program?  Why are these things happening now?   I think this is the cumulative effect of all of our hard work and Tatum's good health (minus May) which is a result of her super healthy diet.   I think the biggest catalyst has been our new commitment to her respiratory program. We are doing 40 masks every day now.    If we do nothing else, we do masking.    This ensures that Tatum gets rich concentrations of oxygen to her brain every day.   Masking also ensures that we are helping her oxygen tanks (her lungs) get bigger.   We have also starting doing manual respiratory patterning.   We are now doing this for an hour each day and are working up to doing two hours each day once our machine arrives.      Our machine is sitting at Canada Customs right now so we should receive it in within the next week.   Once we get it, Tatum will receive two hours of daytime and 10-12 hours of nighttime respiratory patterning every day.   We are all so excited to see the effect of this on her alertness, energy, eating, speaking, mobility and who knows what else!!   It is going to be a fantastic summer for Tatum and our gang... I can feel it!!

Below are some videos of Tatum from the past few weeks.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tatum's Groovin' for Movin' Fundraiser

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  Margaret Mead

This post is LONG overdue!   The past two months have been crazy busy, overwhelming and chaotic for a number of reasons.  As a result, I have not had the chance to write about our amazing event.   I hope I can remember all of the highlights because it was honestly one of the best nights of our lives (for Chris and I!).

We ended up selling about 225 tickets to a collection of wonderful people from our community, Chris's work, our family, longtime friends and friends of friends.   The Holy Eucharist church basement was filled with people mingling, 'stalking' their silent auction desirables, shopping at the regift table, dancing to DJ Tyrone's awesome tunes, listening to our wonderful MC - Liz West and consuming the plentiful food and drinks!   It was an action packed, fun filled event that oozed with community spirit, love, generosity and the desire to get out and have a good time.

The day leading up to the event was pretty busy for the group of us responsible for putting the party together.   We started at around 10am with beer and wine delivery, decorating and the silent auction/re-gift table set up.   We were all done our set up duties around 6pm... it was a full day.

Our guests started slowly filtering in around 8/8:30.  I had a bit of a pit in my stomach, wondering if everyone would actually show until about 9:15... phew, they all came!   Not only did everyone come, but they came and gave and gave and gave AND had a great time.

Our silent auction was an incredible success - huge thanks to our coordinator Gen Z.   Our amazing group of planners hit the streets and ended up collecting close to 120 items!  We had beautiful pottery, artwork, gift certificates from tons of local business, cottage getaways, Justin Beiber tickets, Raptors and Leaf tickets plus some awesome Leaf's tickets in Boston.   We had hotel certificates and amazing golf getaways!   I could go on and on!   We are still in shock, awe and amazement of the generosity of everyone who donated items to help Tatum.

Midway through the evening, Chris and I said a few words about Tatum and thanked everyone for everything they have done to help us along in our family's new journey.  We then showed a short slide show put together by Kate Parson, a graduate student from Centenial College who volunteered her time to help us.  Thanks again Kate!  It was perfect.

Once the silent auction wrapped up, the lights went down, the strobe light went on, the music was turned up and we danced and let our hair down... it was awesome!

When we first started planning the fundraiser, Chris and I had three main goals:

  1. To cover the cost of our last visit to the Institutes
  2. To raise awareness about what Tatum is working on and to let people know about The Institutes' program
  3. To make sure everyone has an incredible time
Check, check, check!!!   Holy cow!   We raised enough funds to cover our costs from our last visit to the Institutes plus pay for Tatum's new 'Respiratory Patterning' machine ($4k) plus cover our next two visits to Philly.    Never in a million years did we expect to see so much success.   Chris and I are so grateful.  Knowing that we don't need to worry about whether or not we'll have enough money to get back for our next assessment and program assignment, takes a lot of pressure off of both of us.   

One day, somehow, we will show our thanks to everyone who has been part of helping Tatum get well.  For now we hope that a simple thank you and an offer to help any of you when you need us will do.

If you'd like to check out the slideshow from the event, click here: